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League 2025

Season1 Runking

Date Location Unlimited Junior
1-20/Jan/2025 Monte-CarloDG_SimonLuck31 ShimaHide7011
1-20/Feb/2025 Sweden

1-20/Mar/2025 Kenya

1-20/Apr/2025 Iberia

League 2024

Date Location 松王 竹王 梅王
1-20/Dec/2023 Qualify - - -
1-20/Jan/2024 Monte-Carlo kib8877 FirstRuby74 GFnR_arizou_12
1-20/Feb/2024 Sweden kib8877 TeeHama TheGMEM
1-20/Mar/2024 Kenya StarLight4315 Rayfassler9003 hime_nattou
1-20/Apr/2024 Croatia Shian1783aaa GFnR_ItoSaku GFnR_arizou_12
1-20/May/2024 Portugal malicious929hair TeeHama na33439
1-20/Jun/2024 Sardegna Shian1783aaa DG_SimonLuck31 pandamaccro
1-20/Jul/2024 Estonia pandamaccro POMPAPA08 GFnR_Garyu816
1-20/Aug/2024 Finland DG_SimonLuck31 Tomo_Yamagami
1-20/Sep/2024 Greece DG_SimonLuck31 GFnr_Ishizaki   Johny_saints009
1-20/Oct/2024 Chile DG_SimonLuck31 amagurichan  Hydro2525
1-20/Nov/2024 CER DG_SimonLuck31 Hydro2525 Gomaevo
1-20/Dec/2024 Japan DG_SimonLuck31 Gomaevo s-su-san-f01

Regularity Rally

Date Event Location Winner
29/Dec/2023 Regularity Of Champions
27/Jan/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd1 Monte-Carlo SuzumiCloche
23/Feb/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd2 Scandia StarLight4315
29/Mar/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd3 Mexico malicious929hair
26/Apr/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd4 Croatia TTV_MiiChan7360
31/May/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd5 Oceania TTV_MiiChan7360
28/Jun/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd6 Greece Sid_tom26
26/Jul/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd7 Mix Sid_tom26
30/Aug/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd8Kenya Sid_tom26
27/Sep/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd9Monte-Carlo Sid_tom26
25/Oct/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd10Poland   C300_san
29/Nov/2024 Regularity Rally Meeting Rd11Sweden 


Date Event Winner
14/Nov/2023 Build Car自慢大会 uzuramacrae
16-19/Nov/2023 RallyJapanExperienceTour uzuramacrae
10/Jan/2024 第1回ラリーで目方でドン・キング決定戦 StarLight4315
24-27/Jan/2024 Over 30km Championship Rd1
2-4/Feb/2024 Super Sprint Cup Rd1Fusa-cobra
17-20/Feb/2024 Downhill Trial Rd1Michan2115
8/Mar/2024Rally Tournament Rd1StarLight4315
8-11/Mar/2024Over 30km Championship Rd2EXCELEN
15-18/Mar/2024 Super Sprint Cup Rd2Disabled_Lefty
23-26/Mar/2024 Hill Clime Trial Rd1TTV_MiiChan7360
1-7/Apr/2024 Trofeo Rally Trioエラブオオコウモリさんチーム
15/May/2024 Rally Itinerary SimulationStream_Taiga
7-10/Jun/2024 Step up-down rallymalicious929hair
12-15/Jul/2024 Super Mitsubishi Attack Round1EXCELEN
21-30/Sep/2024 Long Stage Time Trial Round1DG_SimonLuck31
21-24/Nov/2024 ARM-eRallyJapan2024DG_SimonLuck31

参加可能プラットフォームについて/Participable platforms

運営管理の都合、プレシーズンに参加可能なプラットフォームは ・PC ・Playstation4 のみとさせていただきます。年末発売のWRC Generations後、極力他のプラットフォームにも対応を出来るように検討させていただきます。
Platforms that can participate in the pre-season is only ・PC ・Playstation4 After the WRC Generations released at the end of the year, we will consider making it compatible with other platforms as much as possible.


WRC10・WRC Generationsにて実施してきたARM-eWRCの各種イベントのリザルト閲覧ページをご用意いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。 Result Archives また、現在EAsportsWRCにて実施中の各種イベントリザルトについても以下のページにて閲...